Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Topic Talk Time

Thankyou to our wonderful 'Topic Talkers' today. What a great start!
Today we learnt that.....

A panda has 5 fingers and one thumb.
A baby panda is born only 15cm long, and is 700 times lighter in weight that it's mother.

We also found out that an otter lives in a holt. Did you know that otter poo is 3 to 10 cm long? Neither did we!

There are 1500 species of scorpions in the world, but only 25 are deadly to humans. Often, the larger the scorpion, the less deadly it is! They live for between 2 and 15 years.

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Monday, 29 September 2014

Number of the Week

Here are some things you can practise at home (using a 2 digit, 3 digit or 4 digit number - choose what is right for you) to become super speedy at our 'Number of the Week' work in class:

Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100
Adding and subtracting 10 and 100
Multiplying by 10 and 100
Dividing by 10 and 100

(Remember the Yeti......it's your effort that makes a difference, even if it seems tough at first!)

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Inverted Comma Experts

This week, as part of the build up to writing a Fantasy Land story, the children have been looking at how to use inverted commas (speech marks) accurately. I've encouraged the class to take extra special notice of how they are used in their reading books.

Perhaps it could be something to talk about at home during reading time?

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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Board game teamwork

Reading is all about understanding, not just being able to read the words. What better way to show this than with a team challenge?

This morning, we worked in groups to read the instructions of 8 brand new games purchased for our wet play box. Some of the games were trickier to put together and understand than others. However, we all had a Yeti attitude (ask your child!!) and managed to play some really fun games together.

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Reading reminder....

There has been some terrific reading going on in Class 9 so far this week. Keep it up!

Here's a useful reminder about our reading homework expectations in Year 4. Do remember to hand your reading record in on the correct day (Monday is Hawks, Tuesday is Ravens, Wednesday is Kestrels and Thursday is Eagles). We love to see that you've read to an adult out loud, and if you do so at least 3 separate times every week (for about 10 minutes each time), we can award you a team point and sticker. Please remember that an adult needs to write in your yellow reading record and to sign each time they hear you in order to get the team point award!

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Thursday, 18 September 2014

Trip helpers

Many thanks to those of you who have already brought slips back for the Caerleon trip. To those who have offered to help, I shall be in touch by the middle of next week after discussing numbers etc with the other Year 4 staff. Thankyou!

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Swimming tomorrow!

Don't forget your swimming kit, and a swimming hat please!

Thankyou everyone.

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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Carousel tomorrow

As we mentioned at the Year 4 briefing meeting last week, every fortnight on a Wednesday afternoon the children will be involved in an Art/Music/ P.S.H.E Carousel. Miss Browne will teach our class Music, and Miss Cutler will teach Art. I will be teaching Class 7 and Class 8 P.S.H.E (Personal, Social and Health Education) during the Carousel session. The following week, Class 9 will be with me, as normal, for their turn at P.S.H.E.

It's an ideal way for your child to meet all the Year 4 teachers as well as giving them the opportunity to learn in a different classroom environment.

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Monday, 15 September 2014

Topic Talks and Target time

Your child should have brought home a 'Topic Talk' letter tonight, with the date of their talk on. This is a very informal opportunity for children to get used to talking in front of an audience. We have really emphasised that it needn't be a long, complicated talk, and we would appreciate you reassuring your child of the same at home!

Every term, we have a particular Maths skill that the children get the opportunity to work on each week during 'Target Time'. This skill is at 3 different levels, although we may offer additional support or extension to particular children if needed. At the moment, the three levels are:

I can double all numbers to 20
I can double all numbers to 50
I can double all numbers to 100

Every week, if children confidently demonstrate that they have reached a level, they get to move their special name badge onto a chart. At all times, it is individual effort that is emphasised and praised, no matter what level the children reach.

You may like to ask the children about the 'upside down parachute' technique they like to use as a jotting when working out their doubles. Or they may even show you their (totally unrelated!) double double hand clapping game!

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Thursday, 11 September 2014

Our term so far.....

We're just over a week into the new term, and Class 9 are already impressing us with their enthusiasm for learning. They loved working as a team to make their own 'human' Roman Numerals in the playground. Can you guess this one?

Our brave School Council nominees have been making posters and presenting their speeches to the class. We wish them the best of luck in the School Council elections tomorrow.

The author Tracy Alexander visited Year 4 this morning, and we used some exciting props to build a story around two different characters we invented.

Some of us bought a book, which was personally signed by Tracy Alexander.

To top it all, we've been so impressive that we've already earnt all these Pom Poms for our Class Pom Pom Pot (try saying that quickly!). When it is full, Class 9 may choose a treat as a reward for all their efforts. Keep up the great work, everyone!

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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Welcome to Class 9

A very warm welcome to the Class 9 Blog! Mrs Beer and Mrs Sormani look forward to regularly posting updates on this blog as the year progresses. We use it to celebrate work done in class, as well as to inform children and parents of forthcoming events.

We do hope you will be able to attend our 'Welcome to Year 4' briefing in the school hall at 3.40pm on Thursday 11th September. This will be an opportunity to find out more about Year 4 and all the exciting events we have planned for your children.

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