Friday, 31 January 2014

Making Switches.

Last week we investigated which materials were good electrical conductors or insulators.

- Today we have been busy making our own switches and trying them in circuits with lights and buzzers. We thought some of them would make great burglar alarms when you stepped on the switch.

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Thursday, 30 January 2014

Totally Terrific Thursday

Class 9 have had a wonderful day. We watched a hilarious production of Comedy of Errors this morning, merging the work of Shakespeare with One Direction ( ask your child for more details!). This afternoon the children enjoyed playing games together, whilst lounging around in their comfy clothes eating delicious snacks. Class 9 worked hard to be awarded this treat afternoon, and they have loved every minute!

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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Celts V Romans!

Today we finished making information charts comparing Celtic and Roman homes, clothes, gods and forts. We worked in teams of four using non fiction books to research each area. Which way of life would YOU prefer?

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Would you like to purchase a ukulele?

If your child is interested in buying a ukulele of their own, please ask them to get a form from me. Mr Airey has them available to purchase for £25.00. He would also like to remind children to ensure their nails are cut short for their Wednesday lesson, as it makes playing the ukulele much easier!

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Redland Education Centre visit

This morning, the team from the Redland Education Centre have introduced our new RE topic with some fun games and activities. We have been learning about the 'Life and Teachings of Jesus' and how this guides the life of a Christian. They were so impressed with the ideas contributed by the children, so well done everybody.

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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Thursday treat afternoon!

You may have heard about our famous 'Pom Pom Reward Pot', pictured below. Last week, Class 9 managed to finally fill it to the top! Fantastic work everyone. You have worked so hard since starting Year 4.

The reward for filling this pot is a treat afternoon this Thursday. The children thought of various different treats, which they then voted on as a class. The winning choice was an afternoon where children can bring in their own clothes to change into as well as their favourite snacks to graze on. They can also play a game brought in from home. I'm sure it will be a fun filled afternoon!

Please note: If you allow your child to bring in an electronic game or gadget, please be aware that the school cannot take responsibility for these items.

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Thursday, 23 January 2014

D and T purses

Thankyou for those of you who brought in a purse today. It has been a great start to our design and technology project.

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Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Cool Coding

Class 9 have been learning to 'code' this afternoon. It was great being able to control various pictures on screen. We will be learning different coding skills in our ICT lessons this term.

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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Time and Poetry

We have started our time unit this week. Your help at home in preparing children for this has been invaluable, thankyou! It's been great to see so many children wearing their watches to school. Many pupils are showing far more confidence in telling the time with an analogue and digital clock. We've also been teaching the class how many weeks and days in a year. Ask your child to see how much they can recall (they may remember the little rap rhyme we made up....).

In Literacy this week, we are planning and writing a poem based on a haunted house. The children really enjoyed listening to spooky sounds to inspire their ideas this morning. They are becoming more familiar with writing similes, metaphors and using personification. Great work Class 9!

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Purses for Thursday please!

Class 9 are about to start their D and T unit on making purses. We would love to start our unit by looking at how different purses are made, how they open and close and other elements of their design. If you have some kind of (empty!) purse or wallet, would it be possible to bring it in this Thursday 23rd January? The children can bring them back the same day.

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Friday, 17 January 2014

Making circuits

During our science lesson today we made and tested various circuits.

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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Ukulele lessons

Our first ukulele lesson with Mr Airey was approached with great enthusiasm by all! Year 4 will now receive a 40 minute lesson every Wednesday as part of our Music curriculum.

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Monday, 13 January 2014

King Cake!

Look at this fantastic King Cake so kindly made by a member of Class 9. This type of cake is associated with the festival of Epiphany in a number of countries. Our youngest class member had to sit under a table and choose other pupils to sample the cake in turn. We nibbled it carefully, as hiding inside one piece of cake was a small model of a king! Whoever found the king model was awarded a crown to wear.

Class 9 were enthralled by the whole tradition! Thankyou so much for sharing it with us.

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Poetry and Pictographs

In our Numeracy lessons this week, we will be looking at different ways to present data. This will include pictographs, tally charts, frequency tables and bar charts. Try to look out for these in your everyday life.

In Literacy we are going to be reading and responding to different types of poetry. If any children have a favourite poem, we'd love them to bring it into school to share on Thursday. They can bring in a poetry book, or even write the poem out neatly if they'd like it considered for the Extra Mile file.

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Friday, 10 January 2014

Parachute games

We had fun trying out some activities with the parachute.

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Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Time for time! (Well, in two weeks to be precise...)

During the week beginning the 20th January, Class 9 will be studying 'Time' in Numeracy. If anyone is still a bit wobbly on their o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to, now is the time to practise these at home. If you have a watch, make sure you wear it to school to help you.The closer you are to knowing these times, the easier you'll find our 'Time' week. So let's get cracking while there's time! (No pun intended....!)

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Monday, 6 January 2014

Thank you!

We hope you all had a restful break. Many thanks to you all for the thoughtful and generous gifts you gave us at Christmas. Much appreciated!

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