Thursday, 30 May 2013

Welcome to Class 9

We trust you have all had a relaxing break over the holidays. We wanted to take this opportunity to tell you a little more about ourselves. As you will have already gathered, Class 9 is a job-share class, with two teachers. On a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Mrs Beer is the class teacher. On a Friday, Mrs Adams is the class teacher.

We are both experienced teachers who have taught at Henleaze for over 10 years. Mrs Adams is also our Maths Support Teacher, who works with groups across the whole school on a Tuesday and Wednesday. On a Friday, Mrs Adams will be teaching Spelling, Tables, Science and Games. Mrs Beer will teach the remainder of the curriculum Monday to Thursday.

We’d like to take this opportunity to mention that although we teach on different days, do feel free to approach either of us at any time if you need to discuss anything. For example, you can still talk to Mrs Beer about something that may have happened on a ‘Mrs Adams’ day, or vice versa. We both meet weekly, and – as we remind the children – are frequently in touch by telephone, text and e-mail. We also write our weekly feedback in a ‘communication book’ for each other. Where possible, we both deliver Parent’s Evenings, conduct assessments, attend school events and write reports together.